
Impartiality , Objectivity and

Pursuit of truth and social justice

Service Brief Introduction

  • Service Brief Introduction

    Taiwan Pingtung District Prosecutors OfficeService Brief Introduction Ⅰ: Preface       For let the populace appear in court or for consulting pubic business fell been respected and convenient, the Prosecutors Office will be more active and enhance the team spirit to promote the service quality. II: The items provided by the Prosecutors Office:       According to the plan, the Prosecutors Office predigest the business operations which closely linked with the populace and improve the service quality, expecting to let you fell more satisfied when you have demands. A: Provide the accusation bell on the nearside of the building for oral accusations and informer and people who want to self-accusation, the judicial police will lead you to the investigation room, at where the prosecutor on duty will interrogate you. B: Set up service center for the people and carry out the integrated service system of it.Officials who know law procedures very well provide warm and quick service for you, such as litigation assistance, receive document, return the criminal deposit and exhibit, deliver travelling expense to the witness, etc.  C: Set up special telephone line for legal counseling or application with the number (08) 7530448, such as the flowing proceeding:      (1)Apply for change the date appear in court.      (2)For change the address for service.      (3)For reissue the executive letter for complaint and no-complaint.      (4)For issue more death certificate.      (5)For issue the certificate for close a case or bring to  court.      (6)For issue the certificate for ending executive.      (7)For return the criminal security deposit.      (8)For get back the confinement plunder.      (9)Interrogation and Hengchun check-in, ask for leave on holiday and put off check-in. D: The judicial volunteerTeam consist of retired official and teacher and social worker, there are more than thirty of them and self-governing, the warm judicial volunteer set service station at the people interrogation waiting district. Every day there are two judicial volunteers lead you to the place for business or other place you get to go by the “moving –work way”. E: Miscellaneous of the accepted caseThe informer, plaintiff and defendant can question the course of case, the officer of service center will answer you quickly if the miscellaneous is accord with the inspect no-open principle.Telephone number of the Prosecutors Office: (08) 7535211 ext 5120Special telephone line number of service center: (08) 7530448 F: Set up humanistic interrogation waiting room and soft resting room.The cloister before the investigation room will be a interrogation waiting section with table, desk, cold or boiled water, one-off paper cup, of course we provide newspapers and magazines for you to read, we try to make you feel comfortable when you waiting, and in the center garden will be opened as rest section to moderate the serious ambiance of judicial office. We believe you’ll feel serenity, calm and comfortable at the garden. G: Set up e- mail for public opinion. (E-mail) ptcn@mail.moj.gov.tw. You can use it for application, proposal, prosecution and statement, we’ll print it as dossier everyday with the special official. H: Improve the prosecutor’s attitude when they handle a case.The prosecutor open court on time now, and the prosecutor will investigate the case and evidence carefully with kind and peaceable attitude, the people in court have enough chance to statement, all these are expected let the people in court fell been respected. I: Handle the investigation of questionnaireYou can get the questionnaire when you check-in at judicial police office, we hope to know your opinions about the prosecutor’s attitude in court and about our service for people. In addition to that, you can write down your opinions and put it into the opinion box before the service center and the judicial police office. We’ll count and analyze it regularly for improvement. Ⅲ: Our expecting       Many people praise our hard work, such as: get the criminal restraint by the law, prosecution of crime,beat the offend, guarantee the human right. Talk about the service,we'll improve and enhance our service quality, after that we hope you act us to carry out the basic belief—“The people's judicial ”. With your support we'll bring into full play the service, and our service will be more practicality with your cooperate. Thank you very much! At last, you are welcome to use all the items, we'll try our best to service for you.    


  • History

        Since the bureaus of investigation and judgment were divided in 1980, we have operated independently as “Pingtung District Prosecutors Office”. The principal of this office was promoted to “chief prosecutor” and the office moved from the worn-down and overcrowded office at No.9, Beiping Road, Pingtung to the new judicial office building, which began construction in 1984, after its completion in 1987.    

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